Musculoskeletal pain patterns in a group of Sudanese surgeons
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Musculoskeletal pain
Back pain

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Musculoskeletal pain patterns in a group of Sudanese surgeons (A. Mohammed Abdulrahman Abouh, R. A. Mohammed Salih Elbasheri Gadkreem, S. Suleiman Hassan, S. Adam Mohammed Adam, G. Abdalgader Salem, B. Elhag Ibrahim Tager, F. Ismail GumaKortukala, N. MohammedSalih Omer Adam, M. Mahgoub Hassan Khalifa, A. Ahmed Ishag Younis, M. . Mergani Elkhair, & H. Gadelkarim Ahmed , Trans.). (2024). Kordofan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 1(01).


Background: Surgeons frequently experience work-related musculoskeletal pain, which is a prevalent problem. This study aims to evaluate the patterns of musculoskeletal pain among a group of Sudanese surgeons. Methodology: This study utilized a cross-sectional survey design, in which 84 volunteers residing in the city of El-Obeid, located in the Northern Kordofan state, participated. We randomly selected contributors between May 2024 and June 2024, without taking into account their age or gender. Results:  About 65.5% of the subjects, consisting of 75% females and 63% males, reported experiencing lower back pain. 43% of individuals reported experiencing neck pain, with 37.5% being women and 44% being men. The study found that males have a higher risk of experiencing neck pain. We calculated the relative risk (RR) to be 1.250, with a 95% confidence range (95%CI) of 0.501-3.122. A quarter of the participants, specifically 37.5% of females and 22% of males, reported experiencing shoulder pain. The likelihood of experiencing shoulder pain is slightly higher in females compared to males, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.178 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.880–1.576). Conclusion: Musculoskeletal discomfort is common among surgeons of various specialties in Sudan. The most often reported musculoskeletal pain was lower back, neck, and shoulder discomfort.

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