Acardiac Twin: A Case Report
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Acardiac Twin
Case Report
monozygous twin

How to Cite

Acardiac Twin: A Case Report (K. Kamal Kamil, M. Mohmmed Bashar, S. E. E. Gumaa, & A. Abdalla Agab Eldour , Trans.). (2025). Kordofan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 2(01), 12-17.


Twin pregnancy generally represents a high-risk pregnancy, but monozygous twin pregnancy is a particular challenge for the obstetrician due to the serious complications that may occur during its evolution. A very rare, severe complication of monozygous twin pregnancy, which we recently dealt with in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Omdurman maternity Hospital Sudan, was a monochorionic monoamniotic twin pregnancy with acardiac twin (TRAP). One of the fetuses (acardiac twin) presented as amorphous mass without any recognizable structure, being transfused by the other fetus with a normal heart (pumping twin). The understanding of these cases is mandatory in order to offer maximum survival and heath chances to the viable fetus.

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